

Conveying the values ​​of your project through an impactful visual concept is our goal. It is the result of intense reflection because an identity is also meaning. Design is a sign of intelligence that has become visible.


The visual identity must also be beautiful, and if aesthetic perception might seem subjective, we will always put forward a project and a concept that will stand out on this point. Ugliness is a bad seller!


Our projects are result-oriented. Many companies are not aware of the added value of a successful visual identity. Our clients have immediate gains in terms of return on their objectives once their visual identity is implemented and their brand image is disseminated.


Marketing, analysis, positioning, strategy, we can best define your needs and provide advice and expertise in your Marcom strategy. The creation and development of your visual identity will be the result.


The interaction of different skills is a strength. Collaboration generates consistent and impactful results.

SKWAADRA is made up of several experts from the world of communication who have decided to work together as needed to create and develop visual identity and communication tools for businesses or projects.

Visuel Skwaadra Services 3

In the life of a company, visual identity plays a crucial role in its success. At Skwaadra, we recognize three key moments when it is essential to work on your visual identity.



Start – These are the essential elements you need to start your business, regardless of your industry or size. We will work closely with you to analyze the foundations of your identity and communication. Together, we will determine the essential tools needed to propel the project you have just launched.


Often your visual identity, even if it has been well designed in the past, needs a refresh as your business environment evolves, your customers change and your service offerings need to adapt. When you plan to sell your business, a professional image is also a significant asset for its valuation and the way potential buyers perceive it.


Your business has grown and you are considering acquiring a new company or have decided to merge with one. The two entities having different visual identities, significant work of analysis and creation of marketing communication is necessary to make the new project and your strategy visible.


Basic guidelines
Visit cards
Letterhead & Follow up
Envelope US / C4
Website* (Entry)


Name research
General look and feel
Powerpoint Template
Powerpoint  presentation
Advertising template  (print & online)
Any specific request


Basic or Premium guidelines
Visit cards
Letterhead & Follow up
Envelope US / C4
Website* (Entry)

According to the needs

The new look & feel and all elements selected by the client for its internal and external communication will be updated with the newly developed image.


Basic or Premium guidelines
Visit cards
Letterhead & Follow up
Envelope US / C4

According to the needs

The new look & feel and all elements selected by the client following the development of the new image and its internal and external communication strategy will be updated with the newly developed image.

*Possibility of obtaining subsidies for the creation of your website and your branding subject to reservation, contact us to find out more.